If you are just getting started on your exploration of Sun Salutations / Surya Namaskaras, then you might also find the articles below helpful:

But if you’ve already read those and are ready to dive into your Sun Salutations, then roll out your mats and click on the VIDEO Links below.

IMPORTANT: If you are a beginner, then I urge you to work on Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation A (first), Hatha Yoga Classical Sun Salutation (second), and Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation B (third). This order will slowly move you up higher in level of difficulty.

Modifications have been offered in the video tutorials (as needed) so that the sun salutations are easily accessible to all beginners.

Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation A


Hatha Yoga Classical Sun Salutation


Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation B

STAY TUNED!!! VIDEO Tutorial for this is in the works and will be added soon….